Ocular surface and lacrimal

Watery Eyes, Dry Eyes, Red Eyes, Irritable Eyes:
There are many causes of the symptoms of ocular surface disease, and lacrimal problems and these can be effectively assessed and treated usually medically, and occasionally surgically. There are many different medications available for dry eyes, and a suitable bespoke regime can be recommended for your particular condition; in addition to assessing and treating any underling local or systemic factors. Lacrimal punctual plugs are often used successfully and can be inserted in clinic; and very occasionally permanent punctual thermocautery is helpful. Watery eyes are often due to narrowing of the tear-drainage systems; sometimes diagnostic lacrimal probing is undertaken in the clinic to determine the site of the blockage, and therefore the management options. These range from a relatively simple widening of the lacrimal punctual opening, to the more complex surgery to bypass a blockage lower down the tear draining system: this would involve a general anaesthetic and several post-op visits. Red Eyes and Irritable eyes can be due to a myriad of causes; most are readily treatable.
Things you need to know:
Opticians in the Grampian area are excellent at dealing with many of these troublesome conditions, but I am delighted to help if further advice or intervention is rapidly needed. Please ask your optician or GP to refer you directly to me by name.

Mr. Christopher Scott
Consultant Ophthalmologist
BMI Albyn Hospital
21-24 Albyn Place
AB10 1RW
Call 01224 595993
or book online